Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 455

Chapter 455


Chapter 455: Drawing the Short Straw


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Her husband was a drug addict, a lunatic when high. His words were enough to send shivers down anyones spine. But Mrs. Wang was no simpleton either. She yearned for an escape, always on the lookout for an opportunity, until she met Yang Tao.

In no time, they began a romantic relationship, and soon found the perfect chance. Mrs. Wang left her former husband and fled with Yang Tao to Daqing Village.

At first, Mrs. Wang thought she had struck gold. Daqing Village was more prosperous and flat than her hometown, and it was much closer to the city. Moreover, she was three years older than Yang Tao, who was obedient to her. Yang Tao worked outside, earning money, and she didnt have to lift a finger.

However, not long after the birth of their son, she began to feel that she had drawn the short straw. She slowly realized that Yang Tao was not as wealthy as he claimed. He was just an ordinary farmer, a slacker during his school days who had learned nothing of value. Now, he worked outside, primarily on construction sites.

What bothered her most was that the money Yang Tao earned was not entirely spent on her. He had a mother and a younger sister still in school. Half of the sisters tuition was paid by Yang Tao, and the other half came from the money left after their stepfathers death. Moreover, this sister was kind-hearted and good-natured.

But she was jealous of this sister. She began to whisper in Yang Taos ear, Shes not your real sister. Why should you support someone elses daughter? Your mother is just using you, making you work for your sister.

Look at how biased your mother is, how much she dotes on your sister. Isnt it just menstrual pain? She massages her stomach, boils brown sugar water and cooks eggs for her. Anyone would think your family is rich!

You work so hard outside every day, but your mother never shows you this much concern. Your sister is of age now, she should be getting married after graduating from high school. You should ask for a higher bride price

Mrs. Wang was skilled at manipulating men, and Yang Tao believed her words. Gradually, he began to distance himself from his mother and sister, and eventually, he even refused to pay for his sisters education.

They planned to marry off the sister, but she secretly ran away and has not been heard from since.

With the younger one gone and the older one refusing to return, Mrs. Wang found life increasingly meaningless.

She would have been better off staying with her ex-husband. At least his family had bought a house in their city. She had sisters there with whom she could play cards and earn some easy money. She wouldnt have to put up with this kind of treatment!

Yuan Yuan watched his mother in silence throughout their journey, taking the initiative to tug at her trousers to gain her attention. Mama, mama, Yuan Yuan is hungry, he said.

Mrs. Wang halted her steps, lifting him into her arms. With a forced smile, she addressed her son, Good boy, well get you something to eat when we get home. Starting tomorrow, Mama will take you to Grandmas. You just tell her you missed her and wanted her to look after you, okay? Mama will go to town to play cards. If I win, Ill buy you milk to drink

As long as she was around, that old woman wouldnt get a moments peace. How could she expect to avoid taking care of her grandson?

At the Su residence, after dinner, Gu Zi entertained Lele in the courtyard, playing with Big Yellow. She squatted down, stroking Big Yellows head, Our Big Yellow is really famous, Big Yellow, Big Yellow, so handsome!

Su Shen provided training guidance for his sons. Once they had all assumed the horse stance, he shifted his gaze, searching until it landed on a figure in the corner. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Approaching her, he extended a hand to help her up as she was about to rise. Ensuring she stood steadily, he voiced his curiosity, How do you know about fingerprint detection technology? Did your school teach you criminal investigation?

Gu Zi handed her daughter to him, her lively, beautiful eyes fixed on him as she candidly replied, Of course not, most schools dont teach that. But is it strange to know about it?

From what I understand, didnt our country already emphasize evidence and science in court cases hundreds of years ago? Fingerprints could be used as official evidence then.

As for that foreign technology I mentioned, I actually made it up. It sounds impressive and intimidating, which is our goal, isnt it? To make him pay? If we can scare him, thats enough.

